Piscator, Erwin

Piscator, Erwin

Энциклопедический словарь экспрессионизма. - М.: ИМЛИ РАН.. . 2008.

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  • Piscator, Erwin — ▪ German dramatist born December 17, 1893, Ulm, Germany died March 30, 1966, Starnberg, West Germany       theatrical producer and director famed for his ingenious Expressionistic (Expressionism) staging techniques. He was the originator of the… …   Universalium

  • Piscator, Erwin — (1893 1966)    Director. Piscator s experience of frontline duty in World War I had a lifetime impact on his work. The German army drafted Piscator into infantry service when he was a student in Munich, and the daily experience on the Western… …   Historical dictionary of German Theatre

  • Piscator, Erwin — (1893 1966)    theater* director and playwright; best known for his concept of political theater. He was born in the village of Ulm, near Wetzlar, to a local pastor; the family soon moved to Marburg. In 1913 he began studies in art history and… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Piscator, Erwin — ► (1894 1966) Director teatral alemán. Introdujo el escenario rodante, decorados en diferentes planos, etc. En Nueva York, fundó la escuela de arte dramático The Dramatic Workshop …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Erwin Piscator — Erwin Piscator, Gips Büste von Hermann zur Strassen, 1958 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Erwin Piscator — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Erwin Piscator Fotografía de Erwin Piscator (c. 1927) Nombre real Erwin Friedrich Maximilian Piscator Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Erwin Piscator — Erwin Friedrich Maximilian Piscator (17 December, 1893 in Greifenstein Ulm – 30 March, 1966) was a German theatre director and producer who, with Bertolt Brecht, was the foremost exponent of epic theater, a form that emphasizes the sociopolitical …   Wikipedia

  • PISCATOR (E.) — PISCATOR ERWIN (1893 1966) Erwin Piscator est avec Max Reinhardt l’un des grand rénovateurs de la mise en scène théâtrale en Allemagne, particulièrement sous la république de Weimar, où se déroule la partie la plus féconde de sa carrière. Il peut …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Piscator — (Erwin) (1893 1966) metteur en scène et directeur de théâtre allemand. Il a monté, avec des audaces formelles, des pièces progressistes …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Piscator — (De Piscator, astrólogo milanés.) ► sustantivo masculino Almanaque con pronósticos meteorológicos. * * * piscator (de «Piscator», nombre de un astrólogo milanés) m. *Calendario con pronósticos meteorológicos. * * * piscator. (De …   Enciclopedia Universal

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